How you choose to work out is completely up to you. The most important thing about exercise is that…to quote Nike’s famous tagline, you “JUST DO IT”. If you aren’t a member of a local gym or exercise class and don’t own any “at-home” exercise equipment, no worries! There are endless options for exercising at your own pace, in your own place. Spending an hour on an elliptical machine at a slow but steady rate may be one way of exercising, but studies show that it may not be as effective as 30 minutes of High-Intensity Circuit Training, commonly referred to as “HICT”. The best news is that you can do an HICT workout in your home or outdoors at a nearby park, saving time as well as the cost of a gym membership or expensive equipment.
Science has proven that short bursts of intense exercise can be as good, or better than, long periods of moderate exercise. Getting your heart rate up, and keeping it up for pre-set intervals during this workout, is important to your cardiovascular fitness. It is also the key to torching calories.
These at home workouts that are designed to build:
- cardiovascular fitness
- power and strength
- endurance
How to Get Fit at Home Without Equipment
Doing these workouts at home will help you get healthy, fit and have more energy in just 20 -30 minutes a day!
Women’s Health Magazine recommends this full body workout, courtesy of Senior Fitness Editor Jen Ator, who wrote “Shape Up Shortcuts”, a book that is chock-full of great, fast workouts.
Exercises included in this workout are:
- Forward Lunge
- Squat Jump
- Pushup
- Bend and Thrust
- Plie Squat
- Jumping Jacks
- T Stabilization
- Seated Rotation
BuzzFeed Life offers not just one, but nine High-Intensity Bodyweight workouts designed by NYC Personal Trainer Albert Matheny. You can do these routines in 20 minutes or less. Specific exercises used in each one of these workouts are in this visual guide which details how to perform each movement to perfection. The exercises included are: Push-Up, Plank, Glute Bridge, Spider Lunge, Plank Tap, Squat, Side-Lunge, Squat Jump, Jumping Lunge, Single-Leg Deadlift, Reverse Lunge, and Walkout.
These workouts will challenge your entire body. Be sure to perform each exercise precisely every time, to warm up before starting and to cool down when finished. Also, consult with your doctor first if you have health concerns, such as high blood pressure, or any injuries.
Workout Guidance after your Weight Loss Procedure
The staff at Shapeology dedicates their time to help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. We will guide you with advice on diet and exercise that will compliment your weight-loss procedure in the safest manner possible. Contact us today to set up an appointment for your consultation.